

·        KAIST PDE lab.

·        Arizona State University Mathematics

·        CLAWPACK

·        Oscher's homepage(Image Processing)

·        Central Station

·        Eitan Tadmor Homepage

·        JSTOR-Journal Storage

·        Astrophysical Journal

·        Astrophysics and Space Science

·        Comunications on Pure and Applied Mathematics

·        International Journal of Multiphase Flow

·        Journal of Computational Physics

·        Mitran's Homepages

·        KAIST Science Library

·        수리과학연구정보센터

·        대한수학회

·        KSIAM

·        한국학술진흥재단


KAIST(포탈) , itpack  Claerbout's Classroom

방송국 :  KBS  MBC   SBS

신문 : 경향신문  동아일보  중앙일보  한국일보  스포츠서울  스포츠조선  한겨레신문

그외 : 구글  네이버  다음  야후  엠파스