ReaDiNet 2018
Recent Progresses in Mathematical Theories for Biological Phenomena

Place: Utop Ubless Hotel, Jeju, Korea
Dates: October 31-November 3, 2018
KAIST / POSTECH / National Research Foundation / KAIST BK21

Conference Info
1. Home
2. Registration
3. Schedule & Talks
4. Participants
5. Accommodation
6. Directions
7. Lecture Room
8. Organizers

2013, 2015, 2016, 2018,

2013/ 2015/ 2016/

2015, 2016,

Hotel is "Utop Ubless Hotel" (web page: If you put coordinates "33.542603, 126.666298' in the google map, you can pinpoint the location. After you arrive at Jeju international airport (JCU), please use the google map to find the way to the hotel (example is attached). The new hotel is on the beach. We tried to get beach side rooms, which is more expensive, as many as possible.